
Making good habits

21/11/2013 07:37

Make it so a good habit. 3. Confidence jumped to the daylight saving time is according to research associated with a higher risk of heart attacks. That extra hour of sleep does just the opposite.

Kyle Leon the most professional fitness experts

Who sleeps an average of 7 hours per night, has 33 percent less likely to have calcium deposits in the arteries. Those who suffer from high blood pressure may find solace in an extra hour of sleep. 4. Memory The perfect amount of sleep is difficult to determine, but to who little rest, even getting enough REM sleep.

Usually fall into a REM cycle after 90 minutes. As the night progresses, the cycles are longer, the morning is an important moment. Waking up before your alarm clock is a good sign. It wants to say that your body has gotten it needs; the rest is something that is important for the functioning of your brain. Namely REM sleep ensures that you securely anchor new knowledge in your memory.

By greatly from your sleep pattern during the week off, your biological clock is disrupted soon. In an ideal world, you can also get up on Saturday and Sunday up to one hour later than on an average weekday. 6. Dry air winter is associated with drier, cooler air, ideal for sabotage.


